Hernia, at times, can be an extremely painful disease. In adverse cases of the disease, the disease can be fatal and deadly also. In the initial stages of the disease, the hernia can be treated at home. Below are mentioned 5 ways to treat Hernia at home. Although, it is strictly advised to seek medical advice as soon as one comes to know about the disease or experiences its symptoms. It is suggested to consult a professional doctor before trying out any remedies. 

Hernia Causes

The hernia can be caused due to several reasons including the following ones mentioned below:
  • Obesity
  • Wrong posture during sleeping or a wrong posture used while sitting or during most hours of the day. 
  • Severe stress is taken by an individual.
  • Lifting heavy objects that put a lot of strain around the stomach area. 
  • A severe case of chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Several hormonal or physical changes in the body due to aging.
  • Constant coughing or sneezing.
  • Constant and excess weight around the stomach area, causing damage to the stomach muscles.

5 Natural Treatments May Help With Hernia Recovery

1  Several herbal teas- Natural and herbal teas including Chamomile tea and cinnamon tea have been seen to have cured the initial stage of hernia. Both these teas contain antioxidants that help soothe the stomach muscles and the inner lining of the stomach. Hernia causes a sensation of burning in the heart. Chamomile and Cinnamon tea help get relief from the heartburn, giving relief to the patient. These natural teas have given relief to the patients from a hernia in the initial stage of the disease. 

2  Warm Water therapy for Hernia- Consuming lukewarm water on an empty stomach is proved to help deal with a hernia in acute stages. Patients with stage 1 of hernia are suggested to drink one glass of lukewarm water empty stomach in the morning. Warm water helps to heal the internal inflammation caused by the stomach area due to hernia. It also helps reduce pain and swelling. 

3  Ice Pack- The swelling, inflammation, bloating and stomach in the stomach can be relieved from ice packs. The patient can get relief from the pain and discomfort caused due to hernia by simply placing cold ice packs around the affected areas. Ice packs help to contract the veins, giving relief from the pain.   

4  Castor Oil- Castor oil coats the thin lining inside the stomach which helps in preventing inflammation caused due to hernia and also helps in proper digestion of food.

5  Aloe Vera Juice- Aloe Vera can act as a natural pain reliever for a person with the hernia. For that, fresh and natural juice needs to be extracted from an organic plant of aloe vera. The aloe vera juice is suggested to be consumed in the morning stomach on an empty stomach. On consuming the aloe vera juice daily in the morning, the patient can get relief from the hernia pain.  

Hernia operation or surgery

In the initial stage, the hernia can be treated at home with prescribed medicines and following a medically advised diet. If the patient is on past stage 1 of hernia, the hernia needs to be surgically removed. There are two options available for that. 

1  Open Surgery- It is the traditional surgery for removal of hernia. The surgery is painful for the patients. It involves cuts and stitches and long recovery time for the wounds to heal. 

2  Laparoscopic Surgery for hernia - With the most advanced Laparoscopic surgery treatment, patients can now be cured completely of hernia in a pain-free way. There is much less risk of infection in this treatment and the patient also heals quickly.