Know when to go to the doctor in Anti Reflux (Gerd Surgery)

Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery is used in the treatment of Gerd when medication fails. Gerd states for gastroesophageal reflux disease which is a digestive disorder where the food or stomach acid comes into the esophagus back from the esophagus. You must consult a doctor when you need treatment for acid reflux. It mostly affects the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscular ring that connects esophagus with the stomach). The doctors believe some people suffer from Gerd due to hiatal hernia. Sometimes lifestyle changes and dietary changes can give relief from Gerd while some people may need surgery or meditation.

You must contact your doctor in the following conditions:
  • If the heartburn symptoms have become frequent and severe
  • If you face problem in swallowing solid foods or pills
  • Nausea and vomiting due to heartburn
  • If there is chronic cough, choking or sense of a lump in your throat
  • If there is excess weight loss along with heartburn
  • When you have been taking over-the-counter antacids medication for more than prescribed duration and you still have heartburns
  • When asthma has worsened
  • If there is chest pain accompanied by pain in the jaw, neck, arms or legs; shortness of breath, sweating, weakness or irregular pulse
  • Diarrhea or blood in bowel movements may also be one of the symptoms
  • There may be extreme stomach pain
If all the above symptoms are hindering your daily activities and lifestyle, then consult a Pristyn Care doctor.

What happens in hiatal hernia in Gerd?

In hiatal hernia, the upper part of the stomach moves up into the chest through a small opening in the diaphragm. It separates the abdomen from the chest. Some individuals do not have heartburn issues in hiatal hernia but sometimes it allows stomach content to reflux easily into the esophagus. Obesity, pregnancy, coughing, vomiting or straining the abdomen may lead to hiatal hernia.

The doctor suggests surgery if the hernia becomes complicated, it usually does not require treatment. The surgery is performed to reduce the size of the hernia.

People with severe symptoms of chronic esophageal reflux may require more diagnostic evaluation if the medicines do not work. There are a variety of tests performed to examine the patient with chronic heartburn. Endoscopy is the most important procedure with Gerd. The doctor places endoscope into the esophagus which is a small tube with a camera on the end. This gives an idea of the inflammation in the lining of the tissue of the esophagus. If the doctor observes something abnormal then a biopsy is performed where small sample tissues are removed from the lining of the esophagus.

For the patients who cannot undergo these diagnostics, the doctors measure the acid level inside the esophagus. This is done through testing the pH of the esophagus and signs during meals, sleep and activity.

Anti-reflux surgery

The most common procedure is fundoplication in which first the surgeon repairs hiatal hernia if present. This is the process where the stomach is prevented from bulging by tightening the opening of the diaphragm. Sometimes, a mesh is placed to strengthen the repaired area.

The doctor performs the surgery under general anesthesia. There are two approaches:

Open repair: The surgeon makes one large cut in the abdomen and tube is inserted into the stomach through the abdomen to keep the stomach wall in place. After a week, the tube is taken out.

Laparoscopic surgery: The surgeon makes two to three small incisions in the belly. A laparoscope is inserted which has a camera attached on the end through one the incisions. The surgeon repairs by viewing inside the stomach on the TV screen. Carbon dioxide is temporarily used to expand the abdomen giving the room to the surgeon. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are:
  • Less pain post-surgery
  • Short hospital stay
  • Quick return to work
  • Does not leave scars after a few months of the surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is appropriate for those who have not undergone previous abdominal surgery. Once you recover from anesthesia and relieved from the hospital, the healthcare team will provide you a bunch of instructions. These are the post-surgery precautions.

  • Diet: The doctor will provide you with guidelines on your diet chart. You may have water the night of the surgery. For a day or two, the doctor may suggest you to take clear liquids. Gradually, you will be able to add other liquids and eat soft foods. After 4-5 days of the surgery, you may be able to eat solid foods.
  • Activity: The doctors encourage you to move around a little to prevent the complications after the surgery such as blood clot or pneumonia. Activity will also help remove the carbon dioxide from the abdomen. Do not perform strenuous activities or lift heavy objects. Walk, walk and walk.
  • Incision care: Also before leaving the hospital, the healthcare team will tell you how to take care of the incision. Some swelling around the incision is normal. But you must immediately call them if you notice excessive swelling, bleeding, pain or fever. Do not pull off the incision strips on your own. The team will take care of it during the follow-ups.

If there is any such problem, its time to see a gastroenterologist. It is not a life-threatening problem. One must understand the symptoms, get diagnosed on time and get proper treatment. You can also seek medical help at Pristyn Care if you think you are experiencing acid reflux or Gerd symptoms.

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